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It all started about 8 years ago with a desire to have someone come alongside me to help me grow as a songwriter and worship leader. Funny enough, I was watching a cooking competition on TV and marveled as chefs made amazing creations with difficult limitations and crazy deadlines. They did what seemed impossible because someone pushed them past what they thought they could do! So, instead of waiting for someone to mentor me, I put together a songwriting intensive with challenges that I would want to put myself through over and over to become a better writer and grow in the Lord. Michael and I had just been asked to lead the worship ministry at the UPPERROOM and so I asked the other worship leaders and singers of the prayer room to join me (I think it was around 10 of us). And wow... the beautiful and unexpected fruit that blossomed from that time together! Many wrote their first songs during this time; my heart came alive

as we grew in unity and creativity as a team and church!!! The desire

I had to be mentored was being fulfilled by me helping others grow!


Fast forward to last year (and a long story short), I felt the Lord move my

heart to open up these “writing intensives," condense them into a weekend

and invite worship leaders from anywhere who longed to write the songs that

the Lord had put on their hearts. With that, SongLab was born! My heart

for SongLab is to help fulfill the command to “sing a new song to

the Lord” and to watch the church begin to lead in creativity again.


Meredith and Michael Mauldin spent 7 years pioneering the worship at

UPPERROOM and were the founders of their label and publishing company.


She executive produced multiple albums and

continues to lead worship and write new songs. 


You Are Officially Signed Up!

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